Learn how you can defend yourself with the Super T EDC Tactical Knife System, utilizing a pocket knife that you can carry just about anytime and anywhere.
Date: Saturday September 24th
Time: 9:00am – 12:00pm
Gear: Street Clothes, Clean Tennis Shoes
Super T offers a variety of courses including beginner to advanced Tactical Handgun, Tactical Knife, Vehicle Tactics, Room Clearing Tactics, Force on Force, Concealed Carry, Home and Personal Defense. Private individual and group classes available upon request.
We offer NRA, USCCA certified training, and STKTD core instructional courses as well as custom training solutions to meet the requirements of our clients.
Super T Karate Tactical Defense believes in educating individuals in self-defense techniques, changing perspectives on self-defense, and assisting people in developing a positive mindset to overcome threat situations.
We believe in showing you what your own personal capabilities are. Everyone has different aptitudes and mindsets and we seek to assist you in developing your own personal self. We tailor our learning atmospheres for the curriculum being taught and thus allows those of different experience levels to thrive.
Super T Karate Tactical Defense isn’t about the Instructors, although we do have the quality, experience, and expertise to offer. Super T Karate Tactical Defense is all about you and what YOU can accomplish when you put your mind to it.
Super T Tactical Defense Vehicle Tactics – Is a vehicle counter ambush course teaches the student how to effectively defend themselves in and around a vehicle using a handgun. This course includes not only shooting from a vehicle but places the student in situations that require quick decision making and appropriate responses.
We will focus on the proper use of their firearm in relation to its real world applications against an armed threat in/out and around vehicles. The students will re mediate fundamentals while engaging static paper targets with a Airsoft gun.
Course Topics:
• Vehicle hard points
• Anti-Carjacking and avoidance of conflict
• Using vehicle as concealment / limited cover
• Threat response scenarios
• Shooting from inside a vehicle – driver and passenger side
• Clearing seat belts
• Exiting properly
• Moving to more appropriate cover
Bring with you: Note pad – Rain Gear -Safety Glasses
Due to space limitations in classes, there are no refunds.
Force -0n- Force is a reality-based scenario training meant to teach you how to understand and work through the effects of a warp-speed adrenaline dump while still being able to make to right decisions and to do what is necessary to defend yourself and those you love.
Facing an armed opponent teaches you fighting and coping mechanisms that cannot be learned on the paper range.
Force -on- Force Training is a must for Real World Self Defense.
Due to space limitations in classes, there are no refunds.
Super “T” EDC – CQH Close Quarter Handgun
This course introduces the student to close quarter techniques applicable to defensive use of the handgun. Emphasis is put on the fundamentals of Mindset, Gun-handling, from Concealment.
Course Content Includes:
This Class is ONLY Dry-fire NO Live Ammo / Firearms in class.
Bring With You:
– Street Clothes With a Belt
– Clean Tennis Shoes.
– Something to take Notes.
– Safety Glasses
Due to space limitations, there are no refunds.
Super T Tactical Knife is an edged-weapon system specifically designed to meet the needs of today’s concerned citizen and armed professional. SUPER T Tactical Knife takes combat-proven tactics and adapts them to modern tools, threats, and legal concerns. The result is a practical, easy-to-learn system that is ideally suited for modern self-defense.
Super T Tactical Knife focus on “stopping power” and the ability to immediately and decisively stop an assailant from continuing his/her attack. SUPER T Tactical Knife emphasizes an understanding of human physiology and the most effective methods of targeting muscles with small, legal-to-carry knives. Sometimes called “biomechanical targeting,”.
Examine the basics of the three knife ranges (close, middle, and long range) and practice drills to familiarize yourself with them!
The course introduces simple, effective movements that are easy to learn, and work well under stress.
The Techniques Covered:
– Proper Knife Grips.
– Tactical Knife Sets
– Slashing and Stabbing Techniques
– Drawing From Concealment
– S.R.C. Tactical Knife Sets.
– Concealment.
– Fast Deployment of the Blade
– Selection of Knives
– Muscle Targeting Areas
– Non-Lethal & Lethal Target Areas
– And much more.
Due to space limitations there are no refunds.
Required Gear: Street Clothes, Long Pants with Belt and Pockets, Clean Tennis Shoes
Course will focus on the proper methodology of clearing single and multiple rooms, hallways and stairwells. Home invasion de-escalation or escalation, thoughts on prioritizing actions in the home, i.e., staying where you are in the home and protecting yourself or moving through the home in defense of others (spouse, children, grandchildren etc.), 911 dispatch verbalization and dealing with law enforcement officers once they are at your home.
– Mind Set
– Mission Purpose
– Proper Tactics Given the Situation
– One & Two Person Clearing Techniques
– Defensive Positions
– Much More.
Due to space limitations there are no refunds.
Bring With You:
– Clean Tennis Shoes.
– Bring something to take Notes.
– Safety Glasses
Terry Gay is the founder of Super T Karate / Tactical Defense, a school that prides itself on teaching practical self defense, hand-to-hand combat, edged weapons training, firearms training, and personal protection.
Terry regularly participates in professional development courses in order to improve and increase his skills, so that he may offer a better learning experience for his students and clients. Terry teaches courses from basic fundamentals all the way to advanced tactical handgun training for real world self-defense.
Master Terry Gay Bio/Training:
– 8th Degree Black Belt
– 48+ Years Martial Arts Experience
– P.A.K.A. World Kickboxing Champion
– Certified Cage Combat MMA Referee
– ISCF Certified MMA Referee
– ISCF Certified MMA Judge
– International Hall of Fame Member
– NRA Basic Pistol Certified Instructor
– NRA Personal Protection In The Home Instructor
– SRC Defensive Knife Instructor
– SRC Defensive Handgun Instructor
– USCCA Certified Firearms Instructor
– Former Professional Boxer & Kickboxer
– CQT Carbine 1 & 2
– Personal Protection Security
– Security Guard / Bouncer
– Defensive Tactics Instructor
– Udemy Defensive Handgun
– Ranger Tactical Handgun
– NTL Affiliate Instructor
– CQT Shoothouse / Room Clearing
– Certified, Member of the Association of Defensive Shooting Instructors
– Bravery Award Branch County Sheriff Dept
– C.R.A.V.A.T – Civilian Response to Active Violence and Trauma
– 100+ Hours Force on Force Simulations Scenario Training
– Low Light
– CQT Handgun 1 & 2
– A3 Vehicle
– CC Vehicle Firearm Tactics
– UTM/NRA Certification
– NLT Handgun Grip Development
– Shooter Technology Group Ultimate Dry Fire
– CC Home Defense – Tactics for Defending Your Castle
– A3 Room / Building Clearing
– ALICE Certification Training for Business
– Dave Spaulding Handgun Combatives
– Rich Nance WARTAC
– CC Fighting From Cover
Definitely not! You will get fit, you will burn off unwanted calories, you will find it an awesome stress relief. But BORING, it is NOT!
The variety, challenge and the feeling of accomplishment when you master a self defense skill or technique is why students love our Grand Rapids self defense classes at Super T Karate.
But we find it’s the friendships and fun that keep students coming back. It’s like their second family. Why not find out for yourself. Book in for our limited time offer on this page!
Not at all. In fact, many students starting in our self defense classes would describe themselves like that before they started. So you will fit right in!
Give yourself some time, and you will be astounded at how much you improve! You’ll find that our very experienced women’s self defense instructors, are trained to keep their teaching simple. So even the most uncoordinated person will develop ‘ninja-like’ skills! Come see for yourself!
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